Friday, July 9, 2010

Prayers of Worship

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.

Romans 8:26-27

There are many moments in my life that I can recall having a need to pray, but not knowing what I should pray for. Thankfully, because of the Holy Spirit, God knows my heart. He understands me better than I understand myself. Our family is still treading through the waters of grief. Sometimes it feels as if we have lived two different lives, one with Rylee and the one we are living now. No doubt, we are all better for having had Rylee "Bug" in our life. She showed us the very idea of genuine worship. Her heart was so tender toward her Heavenly Father. Rylee worshipped even when she did not feel well, even if she was the only one. She worshipped whether in church, at home, or in the car. Then, when the song would end, she would say, "Do it again!" If she wasn't finished singing, she would just sing on her own! These are memories of her that I cherish. I believe that her genuine worship of Jesus is her legacy. So, when the times come that I do not know what to pray for, I am reminded of Rylee and I worship. Lifting up our praise to Jesus is not only a way to worship, but also a way of praying. I worship Jesus for who he is, what he has done, his love for me, his promises! He is worthy! I have said so many times, life is so much more than what we see day in and day out. Trying to keep our focus on God's perspective and how the pieces of everyday life fit into His will is hard to do. But He knows what we have need of and I trust that He will provide those needs according to His will.

Father God, thank you for loving me. Thank you for bringing peace into my heart at times of hurt, confusion and sadness. Forgive me when I try to make my way your way and when I become impatient with you will. I pray for those reading this that they will worship you with their whole life. That they will seek you for peace and comfort. I pray everything I do will bring honor to you.

In Jesus' Name.

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